About Me
Hi, I'm Robbie.
Officially I'm a Personal Trainer, I've been running my own P.T. business for over 16 years, and am still doing so today. Working in gyms has been a blessing, it's allowed me to exercise regularly, a great way to offset my love of food. I see it as an opportunity to show people that you can love food and stay healthy. Although my clients think I tempt them with food so that they'll always need me as their P.T.
Along with food, I also have a fierce passion for travel, often blurring the lines between both. From the moment I started working I can remember planning what countries I wanted to visit. Reminiscing I can see in every trip there was an element of food involved in the destination planning. Its been fascinating looking back over the years seeing how my palate has changed and developed, from White Castle and Denny's (first U.S. trip), to Sukiyabashi Jiro in Tokyo (Sushi was something I didn't like for the longest time).
I don't like wasting meals! I plan my day around food, likewise my vacations around food, I will often choose my next international destination based on somewhere I would like to eat. Its an addiction, a dependance, possibly an ailment in which I should seek professional help. But I like my life this way, I wouldn't change it for anything, I wake up every morning with multiple reasons to be excited, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and whatever other meals I can squeeze in between.
"Rude Not To" started out simply as the chronicling of my relationship with food, travel and lifestyle. As my love of these things grew, and my experiences added up, I wanted to share my passion increasingly with a wider audience who shared the same interests. So the metamorphosis of my humble Instagram into a website and social media blog has been a wonderful journey of meeting like-minded people who have a similar passion for life, food, and travel.
This blog will be governed by the same rule I have strictly stood by on Instagram @Itd_be_rude_not_to. I will not post about food I did not enjoy. I'm not here to shame restaurants that are not to my liking, we all have different tastes. What may be pleasing to you may not be pleasing to me, and vice versa.
I will be showcasing my favourite places to eat, hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I do. I will also endeavour to show you how I like to travel, the local foods I prefer to eat, and any other interesting information I can impart.
I look forward to taking you on board my journey to places far and wide, feasting on my experiences through this blog and my social media. My mission is to experience as much as humanly possible in this life and share it with you all. After all, it would surely be rude not to.
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